Saturday, December 26, 2009

Struggles...Information and need to share it

Information of the Oppressed

During these times it is important the Oppressed People of this world know that they are not powerless and there is countless amounts of knowledge out there to share. It is important that this knowledge be shared. My purpose in helping the Children of Cyrus who believe in the freedom of democracy and life, is to help share the knowledge I have learned over the years and maybe, this knowledge will help them in their cause.

There are many centers of knowledge out there, but this link gives advance knowledge in the Art of Revolution. The website is called the "The Revolution Script." Few sites I have seen offer so much knowledge about the Art of Revolution and I am ashamed I did not post the link soon. I thank the other for their work for helping the struggle of the oppressed in this world.

The Revolutionary Script

I hope some of this information is not to late for my brethren. May God watch over you all.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Preparing for the coming of 16 Azar...Self Defense Tactics & Weapons

Preparing for the coming storm....16 Azar
Tactical Self Defense Techniques

Dear Children of the Sea of Green. The free people of this world continue to unite with you in your struggle against oppression and your fight for freedom. Be not mistaken, it is a fight and you must be prepared to defense yourselves by any means you have available to you at the time.

The articles to be posted are from I would like to thank them ahead of time for providing the much needed information. My regret is that I only wish I had found this sooner and gotten it up. This information is for instructional purpose only for the defense studies against Basij. May God always watch over your Children of the Sea of Green and for your success to Live Free!


Unarmed self-defense techniques: eye attacks

I. Eye gouge technique

Eye gouge technique can help you get out of a tight jam; it’s usually considered as an ultimate measure for extreme self-defense situations. Take the following steps to apply simplest eye gouge technique to your attacker: use two fingers on just one hand - your pointer finger and middle finger; point them straight out, folding the remaining two fingers out of the way; place your thumb on top of the remaining fingers to keep them out of the way; spread your pointer finger and the middle finger, and stiffen them. Eye gouge technique is easy to do and requires almost no power or training to be able to perform it. Another option – thumb gouge (performed with thumbs), which might be substantially more effective in dire emergencies. Don't expect to be able to just stick your thumb into someone's eye and dig it around. It ain't going to happen. As soon as your thumb makes contact with his eye, the attacker’s hand will be reaching up to pull your thumb away, it's just a natural reaction. If attacker is grabbing you, the eye gouge will make him release his hold so that he can get your finger or thumb off of his eye. This action will free you from him and allow you to get some room to strike, kick, or escape. The gouge usually lacks power, it's not a strike. It's a close in, gouging move that will cause the attacker to pull back. The element of surprise is necessary for applying eye gouge in self-defense.

II. Eye strikes

Striking the eye is an excellent tactic whenever you must defend yourself. The difference between an eye strike and an eye gouge is speed and impact. An eye strike will impact upon the attacker’s eye with speed and force. This should cause a blinding flash of white light to explode inside the attacker’s head. A temporary loss of vision in the eye that has been struck is a very real possibility. Perhaps the best technique for this attack is the palm heel. Notice how perfectly the heel of your hand fits into your eye socket. The orbital bones that protect the eye offer little protection from your palm heel. Your palm heel will slam right into the attacker’s eyeball. It is this impact that will result in the flash of white light. If you want to double the effect of this strike then hit with a double palm heel strike. Both hands drive out and strike both eye sockets. Little need to worry if the attacker is wearing eye glasses - just drive his glasses into his eyes!
The impact from the strike could quite easily knock out the attacker. The strike attacks the nervous system, and it overwhelms the system causing a knockout effect. A smaller person could stop a larger person far easier by striking his eye than he could by trying to punch the larger person.

Vulnerable points of the body

Vulnerable body points
Vulnerable points of the body

The head is, of course, the command centre of the body, housing the brain and most of the major sense organs, including the eyes, nose, ears and mouth, all of which are sensitive to pain and easily damaged. Blows to the head can easily render a person unconscious and if excessively powerful can cause brain damage or even kill. Deaths in combat rarely occur from being struck with a single blow and tend to result from the cumulative effects of severe beatings, often coupled with extreme exhaustion, as in the case of professional boxers. The effectiveness of knock-out punches results from the impact of the fist causing the brain to move inside the skull. This causes the individual to black out. The point or side of the jaw are the areas most boxers aim to hit since impacts here facilitate the shaking movement of the head that leads to the knock-out effect. Knock-outs occur occasionally in other sports, such as semi-contact karate when the odd accidental or uncontrolled blow lands — again usually to the jaw. Basically, every case of a knockout blow causes concussion and minor brain damage, so experimenting by knocking out partners in training cannot be recommended.
The implications of the effectiveness of the punch to the jaw for ju-jitsu students concerned to develop their ability to protect themselves are obvious. In addition to being a very quick and effective method for incapacitating an attacker, it is also a target that is relatively easy to hit and one that is safe, from the point of view of applying ju-jitsu for self-defense. Moreover, it is safe in terms of the amount of damage that such a blow will inflict on an assailant; whilst a knock-out punch to the jaw does no one any good, an equally hard blow delivered to the temple or windpipe, for instance, could quite easily kill the person.
A blow to the eye or eyes by someone trained to hit can cause severe tearing of the skin as well as permanent eye damage, perhaps even partial or total blindness. The potential seriousness of attacking the eyes should not be underestimated; a complete loss of vision can result from eye damage incurred whilst fighting. Many boxers are forced to retire because the retina has become detached — caused by taking one punch too many — and many fights are stopped because of cuts on or near the eye since such cuts may constitute a great hazard to a fighter's health. Punching someone in the eye, especially without gloves, is an extremely vicious and dangerous form of attack, only for use in dire emergencies. The knock-out blow to the jaw must be preferred every time. Strikes to the eyes are designed for life-and-death struggles, where neither the well-being of the assailant, nor the legal consequences of any damage inflicted were of any concern to the person being attacked.

The eyes remain a very vulnerable target and can be effectively attacked in order to distract an assailant and apply a throw or a locking technique. However, it would be difficult to justify inflicting serious injury unless an attacker was armed. As the punishment should fit the crime, so the degree of force used should correspond to the seriousness of the threat an assailant offers. In the case of women, children or old people seriously threatened by an adult male attacker, aiming for the eyes may be the best chance for survival.
Blows to the nose are excruciatingly painful, invariably causing bleeding, impeding breathing and making the eyes water, so causing vision difficulties. The nose is particularly vulnerable to open-handed blows striking in an upward direction. If the nose is broken, permanent disfigurement can result and breathing becomes impaired.
The mouth is similarly vulnerable and the lips are prone to splitting and bleeding if a punch lands on a mouth unprotected by a gum-shield. The gum-shield prevents the teeth from being knocked out and also from splitting the insides of the mouth. A punch in the mouth can also lead to injury to the hand if the fist comes into contact with the teeth.
Punching an attacker in the forehead or the back of the skull is likely to do as much damage to your own hand as to your assailant's head, perhaps even more. The head (as opposed to the face) is a particularly dangerous place to punch anyone and indeed one of the main reasons that boxers wear gloves is to protect their hands. The outlawed bare-knuckle style of fighting frequently saw hand injuries, caused by hard heads, deciding the outcome. Incidentally, it is highly unlikely that the old-time prize-fighters could punch as hard or were as fit as modern-day boxers. Improved training methods and hand protection in the form of bandages and gloves allow fighters to generate more power and punch harder than ever before. Obviously, when defending yourself against an attacker, there is never sufficient time to bandage up your hands and put gloves on, so it is imperative that ju-jitsu practitioners train to make a 'proper fist' in order to be able to hit effectively and not damage their hands in the process. The formation of a correct fist has always been a hallmark of Japanese karate systems and students have always trained, with some frequency, on the makiwara (a wooden post covered in straw) to forge their weapons.
Those martial artists who, for whatever reasons, prefer not to perform hand-conditioning drills (which have been much criticized) are advised to develop striking techniques targeted on the soft areas of an assailant's body. The solar plexus is just such an area, being a large nerve group located just below the point of the sternum or breastbone. It was made famous as a target area in the west long before the popularization of ju-jitsu, when Bob Fitzsimmons became the Heavyweight Champion of the World by knocking out Gentleman Jim Corbett with a punch to the solar plexus. In the untrained person it remains a very vulnerable area, but combat sportsmen such as boxers, kick-boxers and full-contact taekwondo fighters perform lots of abdominal conditioning to build up and tone the muscle necessary to protect the area. As well as those target areas on the face mentioned earlier, there are other places that cannot be protected by any amount of conditioning, in particular the throat, kidneys and testicles.
The throat can be attacked with striking techniques which cause a reflex gagging action as the person struck gasps for air. The knife hand, straight-finger jab and extended knuckle strike are best for attacking this area, as the windpipe is protected on either side by the sternomastoid muscles of the neck. The throat is often an awkward target since experienced fighters keep their chin tucked low, which tends to protect this area very effectively.
The kidneys are located in the back just below the ribs and when struck cause a particularly sickening pain akin to that caused by a blow to the testicles. Obviously the attacker must have his back turned, or at least be sideways-on, in order for a strike there to be feasible, but this position can easily be achieved once any sort of punching attack is made. When an attacker is on the ground, perhaps after being thrown, he will frequently attempt to protect the front of his body by curling up in a ball, but in so doing he exposes his kidneys to serious injury from stamping kicks, the knee-drop or punches.
The testicles are probably the weakest point on any man and are susceptible to striking, kicking and squeezing attacks. They are generally indicated as the best target for a woman threatened by rape. Low kicks or knee strikes are effective when standing, as indeed is the low punch. When fighting on the ground it can be difficult to generate sufficient force for an effective strike, but grabbing and squeezing is a distinct possibility. All of these areas above are very sensitive to pain and a hard blow should incapacitate or badly injure most assailants.
Ju-jitsu techniques can also be directed against the joints of the body, the fingers, wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and neck. All joints are designed to move through certain ranges of movement which vary from individual to individual. Ju-jitsu kansetsu-waza employs the principle of forcing the joint through a range of movement for which it was not designed. This puts severe strain on muscles and especially on ligaments, which frequently tear when a joint is moved beyond the extremity of its normal range and so becomes dislocated. Many of the body's joint structures are interdependent and pressure applied on one can be transmitted through to another. The interrelation between elbow and shoulder is the most obvious case; frequently a technique designed to lock the elbow, such as ude-garami or waki-gatame will lock the shoulder also. This is often a result of the person being locked twisting to alleviate the pressure of the initial attack and so 'spreading the load' or simply a result of limited mobility. The neck tends not to be thought of as such but it is indeed a vitally important joint. Despite being protected by strong muscle groups (at least in some cases) the neck is still extremely vulnerable to a variety of methods of attack. Neck locks, strangles and chokes can all be applied with sufficient force to kill. Striking techniques, however, would generally need to be extremely powerful in order to be lethal. Any attack to the neck, particularly locking techniques, can have a paralyzing effect because of the neck's connection to the spine and central nervous system. Strangles and chokes can be most usefully employed as they can be used to render an assailant unconscious before releasing him, so removing the need for any further injury. A strangle such as works on the principle of cutting off the blood supply to the brain by applying pressure against the carotid artery in the side of the neck. Cutting off the blood supply to the brain deprives it of oxygen and so causes unconsciousness; it is normally quite painless.
In contrast, a choke is effected by applying pressure with the bony inside edge of the wrist against the windpipe or trachea and then squeezing, which has the effect of cutting off the air supply to the lungs. This, too, will cause unconsciousness, but is normally accompanied by frenzied resistance because of reflex panic and struggling brought about by the attendant choking or drowning sensation. Alternatively, unconsciousness can be almost instantaneous. Chokes are distinctly more dangerous since there is a risk of unintentionally crushing the trachea which is likely to cause death.
The other joints of the body are more easily attacked by locking techniques than strikes, especially when fighting on the ground and techniques exist to sprain, dislocate and break. The knees, elbows, ankles and shoulders are all vulnerable to such techniques. The knee is also a particularly suitable target for kicking techniques and, despite being very strong in certain positions, if struck with a blow of only forty or so pounds of pressure, laterally, it will normally dislocate. Stamping kicks are usually employed for attacking the knee from the front or the side and have the advantage that they can be used at long range before an attacker gets close enough to land a punch or grab hold of his intended victim. The knee can also be stamped on from behind. If this method is chosen it will cause the leg to bend and assist in forcing an attacker to the floor.
Other target areas which can be hit to knock an assailant to the ground include the liver, spleen, floating ribs and the occipital (back of the head). The pit of the stomach (the area below the belt in boxing parlance) is not as well protected by muscles as the upper abdomen, and vital, vulnerable organs are located there.
It can therefore be effectively hit with kicks or punches. Just beneath the heart is a vulnerable spot and the armpit, although generally difficult to attack is a major nerve centre which can be exposed when making certain punching or stabbing attacks. Even the thigh contains vulnerable nerve centers as anyone who has ever been given a 'dead leg' will agree. The nerve centers of the thighs are in fact major target areas for kicking attacks in both Kyokushinkai karate and Muay Thai kickboxing and if trained to kick in the techniques of either of these fighting systems it is a surprisingly simple matter to 'drop' an untrained attacker with a leg kick.

Unarmed Self Defense Basics

Many of us are concerned about our safety when we are out on the street. Obtaining unarmed self-defense skills is necessary element of a street survival. Unlike various self-defense devices that might not be available at crucial moment, unarmed self-defense techniques always work and give you real confidence in your ability to succeed. Unarmed self-defense involves the use of "natural weapons" of your body, including the hands, elbows or knees - these are hard body surfaces that, when used correctly, can cause an attacker pain and damage. But the term "unarmed self-defense" isn't confined to only martial aspect - it involves various skills (mental and physical) used to survival - not only fighting techniques, but abilities to evade dangerous violent confrontations. In contrast to sport-oriented martial arts, the goal of self-defense is a survival, not winning. Knocking someone out of the way and escaping can achieve survival goal, however it will never allow you to win a competition. Your primary goal - not getting hurt/injured or to minimize your injuries. Even if you're facing single unarmed attacker who doesn't obviously surpass you in physique and fighting skills, there's no reason to prove anybody in the street that you're good fighter - staying around trying to "win", making higher chance of your injury, ain't a good decision. In a confrontation with multiple attackers, escape is victory. The only hope of escape from an overwhelming number of opponents is continual movement. By the use of blows, and by shoving one opponent against the other, it will often be possible to create more room in which to keep moving. It should be remembered that the object is to get away, not to stay and fight it out against hopeless odds. Now let's overview the basic physical aspects of unarmed self-defense.

I. Hand techniques. Punching. Hand strikes

There can be no doubt that punching is effective. In fact we can safely say that the No 1 technique used in fighting is punching! Punching is the weapon of natural choice. People seem to instinctively ball up their fist and let it fly. Punches based upon boxing can be delivered in rapid fire powerful combinations. The best blows using the hands are delivered with the fist or the heel of the hand or the edge of the hand. Blows struck with the fist (uppercut, haymaker, jab) are most effective when the user has had considerable experience in boxing. It will take up to six months to learn to deliver a positive knockout blow with either fist. The time-honored American punch on the jaw is hard to beat. Delivered by a skilled boxer it puts a man down for the count. The force of the blow on the point of the chin causes a form of concussion and we have the so-called "knockout". This same result can be obtained by a blow from the heel of the hand, which packs a terrific wallop. Further, it is much easier for those inexperienced at boxing, has more of an element of surprise, and can be used from shorter starting distance. The solar plexus, lower abdomen and testicles all make good targets for solid punching attacks. Punching an attacker in the forehead or the back of the skull is likely to do as much damage to your own hand as to your assailant's head, perhaps even more. The head (as opposed to the face) is a particularly dangerous place to punch anyone and indeed one of the main reasons that boxers wear gloves is to protect their hands.
Generally speaking, open hand strikes are preferred over the closed fist strikes or punches in unarmed self-defense. The problem with using punching is that the very act of making a fist can weaken your strike. When you make a fist you'll notice that the muscles in your arms also begin to tighten. Your forearm muscles tighten and your biceps and triceps muscles also tighten. Your biceps draw your forearm towards you, while your triceps extend your forearm away from you. They work in opposite ways, but if you tense both these muscle groups at the same time you are actually fighting yourself. When you strike at someone you want your energy to be flowing in that direction, if you engage your biceps muscles during this action you are "putting the brakes on", you are slowing down your strike. The use of the open hand tends to have the opposite result, the biceps muscle tends to remain in it's relaxed state and so does not interfere with your production of speed.
A strike that exists in many karate systems and in some styles of close combat is the "spear hand" strike. This is an easy strike to form - simply straighten the fingers on your hand and make sure they are pressed together. The targets normally attacked by this strike are the solar plexus, the throat and the eyes. The spear hand strikes can make an excellent weapon for ground-fighting situations. Such strikes cause a very sharp and distracting pain. The type of pain that makes people want to pull away, and that's what you are counting on. A quick jabbing action into the lower ribs or side of the neck can cause a person to quickly release his grip upon you. A quick spear hand to the throat can be easily followed by gouging the eyes.
Elbow strikes are widely used in Muay Thai kickboxing. The elbow is a every hard surface to use and it does a lot of damage. Plus the elbow won't get broken so easily like a fist. Elbow techniques might be very effective for breaking assailant's grips.

II. Leg techniques. Kicking. Knee strikes

The use of kicking techniques in self-defense is a debatable question. Undoubtedly, leg techniques enrich your self-defense arsenal. Most of the time they do a lot of damage and keep your opponent out of arms reach. But most of sophisticated kicking techniques cultivated in such martial arts systems as taekwondo, are unfit for real street self-defense conditions. You should learn simple kicking techniques that are street practical. Leave fancy spectacular high kicks for shows and martial arts tournaments. Never use a kicks higher than waist-high in a street fight; when you kick higher than a stomach level, you risk lose your balance - the higher the kick, the higher probability of failure. Legs and kneecaps are the primary targets of your kicks in self-defense situations. Front kicks/side kicks in kneecap or shin are quite painful and can give you an advantage in time over assailant, demoralize him in first few seconds of the battle. Stamping kicks are usually employed for attacking the knee from the front or the side; they can be used at long range before an assailant gets close enough to land a punch or grab hold of you. The knee can also be stamped on from behind. The front snap kick to the groin is an extremely effective tool, but it's also usually highly expected by opponent. Preliminarily using deceptive actions, you can succeed in a groin attack. The shoe of the user is one of the external factors that exert influence on the effectiveness of kicks - massive heavy boots are preferred for self-defense.
Another option of using legs in unarmed combat - knee strikes. Knee strikes are very powerful, easy to learn, and can be considered as important element of close-range unarmed self-defense.

Common Goods As Self-Defense Weapons

By Lost Johnny

We are never unarmed, we can always use something as a weapon. This article is dedicated to use common goods as a self-defense weapons.

One of the most popular ordinary things being used for self-defense is undoubtedly the simple pen. It has several advantages: absolute legality, small size, and, that is the most important, pen is usually not considered as a potential weapon by attackers, so you can carry it openly, attached to your front pocket. The simple pen looks harmless enough, but you can use it successfully as relatively powerful weapon.

As a self-defense weapon, pen can be used like a dagger or a stiletto. Use a pen to stab assailant’s body/chest/neck. If he continues with the attack, you can also use your pen to give him an eye gouge. Alternatively, you can use your pen to stab his groin as many times as you can - then escape! You can also apply pen to break body grips.

Nail file is being widely used as a women’s self-defense weapon. The defense tactics with a nail file are quite similar to those with a pen: quick stabs at an attacker’s face, eyes, neck, groin.

Umbrella – can be successfully used as a cane, striking the header and wave strokes to an assailant’s body. It allows to block enemy’s hits and edged weapon attacks. Umbrella with a handle of a bent (Ã-like) shape one may use as a tonfa.

Hair spray/ air freshener/ deodorant spray can also become self-defense weapon. Spray them in an assailant’s eyes; the aerosol’s components act as an irritants, cause short-timed enemy’s blindness and disorientation. There’re known some facts about another spray use possibility: spray aerosol on an attacker’s body or face and light by a cigarette lighter. Ordinary household spray turns into the small but harmful flame-thrower.

Computer cable with a massive plug-and-socket at the end one may use as a flexible chain-like weapon. This improvised weapon allows to keep self-defender at a distance from an attacker and strike intense blows.

It’s not hard to find a stone (or a brick/solid piece of asphalt) in the street and use it as a defensive weapon. Stones serve people as a weapons since prehistoric times and are being used by a modern street fighters as before. There’re two different ways of use of stone in a battle: use it as a missile weapon throwing at assailant and use it as impact weapon squeezed in your fist. The first way is actually not very efficient, but allows to keep defender at a distance from his enemy; the second is potentially more successive, but compels self-defender to come into close combat. Strike quick and powerful blows at an assailant’s head. If you want to win, your stone-fighting technique must be utterly cruel and brutal.

Glass bottle (for beer, whisky, vine, etc.) is known as popular street weapon. Bottle is usually used as baton striking opponent’s head. Often even one strong blow upon somebody’s head is quite enough to put him out of action. Then the bottle breaks, it transforms to a very dangerous and impressive weapon – the neck with a lot of very sharp and non-uniform ends.

Plastic bottle with water – can be used as a baton which usually doesn’t break.

The overall efficiency of this improvised weapon depends on its weight (the volume of water it contains). Plastic bottle with 3 and more pints of water is really powerful weapon. Moreover, it usually doesn’t leave a visible traces of strokes on its victims’ bodies. Due to this feature, some police officers use such batons for inflicting torture on suspect people.

Electric flashlight in solid metal casing (Mag Lite type) is versatile tool, being used not only for lighting, but for self-defense purposes. Many police officers and security guards use it as a metal baton. This tool is suitable for striking short and quick blows on an opponent’s head, shoulders and hands, short-distance header blows on a face, neck and groin, for blocking enemy’s attacks.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Close Range Destraction Device...Tennis Ball Grenade...Warning Can Cause Chaos!

Tennis Ball Grenade

To the Children of Cyrus, it is important to protect yourselves and you can do that without resorting to violence, but remember your life is worth more than those attacking you. It can be literally, your life or theirs. Who do you chose?

This devise I provide to you is one of non-lethal and is called a tennis ball grenade. It will should be used when the Basij, IRGC and other security forces charge you. Also, it works great to throw in front of oncoming Basij motorcycles. It is a simple device to make and you can get all of the components almost anywhere.
This is for educational purposes on! Walk with the light and God bless you all.

Tennis Ball Bombs by The Jolly Roger
· Strike anywhere matches
· A tennis ball
· A nice sharp knife
· Duct tape
Break a ton of matchheads off. Then cut a SMALL hole in the tennis ball. Stuff all of the matchheads into the ball, until you can't fit any more in.
Then tape over it with duct tape. Make sure it is real nice and tight! Then, when you see a geek walking down the street, give it a good throw. The Basij will have a "blast!" ;)

This is compliments my friend...the Jolly Roger.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Writing in Code - The Basics

Writing in Code - The Basics

We live in a societies with abilities to send messages (emails) instantaneously across the world, but it is that same convenience that makes it a vulnerability, we rely on systems outside our control to deliver them. I.e. Your computer, in your control sends email to a server outside of your control that is suppose to send the email to the recipient of the email, but there is a flaw, you don't generally control the junction point, the server.

It has come to my attention that the Patriots of the Iranian Freedom Movement need information on how to make cryptic (secret) messages to pass along information that will circumvent intelligent and security services monitoring. Also, however, I have been told the intelligent and security services have been interfering with cell phone sms messages and internet access. Well, my friends you can still exchange information stealthy manner using classical methods for writing secret messages that upon normal observation look like either blank paper or something it isn't.

Throughout history, civilizations have relied on different methods to pass along secret messages. Some cultures developed early methods to encode their messages and others used what some call "invisible ink". The invisible ink techniques require special methods to "develop" what is written on the paper the message is on. Below are links to some articles and a video on how to make cryptic messages and make and use invisible ink methods of writing secret messages.

Please note, all these methods below will probably be known to the intelligent and security services. The best suggestion I can make is to mix up the methods you use to pass along the information. Never use the same method more than a few times.

Note: I will add more information on encoding techniques in the next few days.

Face the enemy head on with knowledge to take advantage of his weaknesses, for ye shall overcome and be victorious my friends.

Methods to Make and Use Invisible Inks:

Secret Writings - Invisible Inks by Center for Forbidden Knowledge -Dark Corner - Egyptian Website.

How to Write Secret Messages with Scytale by Amanda Morin on

Video by Anderson Video Productions (simple, but classical technique for making invisible ink and how to develop it.)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Semi-Bullet & Knife Resistant Lamellar Body Armor

Semi-Bullet & Knife Resistant
Lamellar Body Armor

There was a request for additional information on body armor to help the Patriots of the Iranian Freedom Movement. There have been a number of patriots in the Movement that have been killed from gun fire and stabbings from the Iranian security forces. Recently, I posted the information contained in BodyHammer and I pray that it helped the protesters. The Patriots of the Iranian Freedom Movement are incredibly brave and I pray that something from the Help and Hope for the Green has helped helped save at least one life.

We always need a disclaimer, I'm sorry, but though this is intended for the Patriots of the Freedom Movement in Iran, there are stupid others who will see this. The Stupid will not take personal responsibility for what they are given and blame those that gave them the technology for their stupidity. So here it is: Like it says in the YouTube video instructing you how to make the body armor. I accept no responsibility for providing this information and it is for educational purposes only. This video is the property of the maker and they, and I, also cannot be held for any reason, or liability from making this product and using it for in anyway other than for educational or recreational/costume purposes. So don't do this at home, MythBuster's Quote.

Your enemy has technology and tactics for now that you do not have, one day soon that will change, but for now all I can do is offer what is asked of me. I will do all I can, to the best of my abilities to supply what is requested. It was requested that I post find and post something for additional types of body armor not found in Bodyhammer. I have found such a thing, it is a YouTube Video that explains how to make individual sections of Lamellar body armor out of sheet steel and rubber matting. I will let the video explain how to make the individual sections of the armor, but I can recommend ways to link it together like traditional lamallar armor of ancient times.

Definition of Lamellar Body Armor: "
Lamellar armour is a kind of personal armour consisting of small plates (lames) which are laced together in parallel rows. Lamellar armour evolved from scale armour, [1] from which it differs by not needing a backing for the scales. It is made from pieces of lacquered leather, iron, steel or horn held together with silk, leather thongs, or cotton thread. When the lames are made of leather they would often be hardened by a process such as cuir bouilli or lacquering." Source Wikipedia.

The video describes how to make individual pieces of the armor, grouped together it is called Lamellar body armor. I will explain the next step. Follow the video for making each individual piece of armor, but with one major difference and this important. You need to link the pieces together. Use the illustration in the Wikipedia article to show you how to link the lamellar sections together.

Each piece has sections and as you make them you will need to make points (holes) that you can lace/link the pieces, it is important that the holes of each piece of the individual sections are aligned. The illustration is self explanatory.

Video: How to make (Lamellar) Body Armor:

Courtesy of

Please tweet @blckpaw if you feel you need more. Bless be you and I will always do what I can to help the Patriots of the Iranian Freedom Movement.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Defensive Protest Tools against Riot Police and Basij

There are times when you must act, others with their efforts for freedom and assisting in their struggle to defend themselves against oppression. I made the commitment to assist the Freedom Movement of Iran and their fight for freedom and freedom of voice. My Help and Hope for the Green Blog has evolved into more than initially I thought it would be. I have struggled with what information to put up and have left others to put up what I can't. The end goal of my efforts are to give the members of the Freedom of Iran tactics and knowledge to defend themselves against illegitimate and tyrannical regime of Khamonie and Ahmadinejad. The regime has betrayed the people levels that show the world the true evil it has become and supports.

The instructions below and linked videos explain how to make a device called a pepper spray smoke grenade with a ring pull fuse (PSSG). The knowledge instructions for how to make the device were give to me by a fellow supporter of the Green Movement, but who shall never been named.

The PSSG can be made from common household items found almost any where in the world. It is designed for ease of use and mobility. There is a list of step by step instructions in how to make the device, what materials are needed and instructional videos included for each component of the PSSG.

PSSG is a tactical device that is non-lethal and will allow Freedom Movement protesters a tool to use against the Iranian Riot Police and Basij. All instructions and tactics given are for educational purposes only and for the soul use of the Freedom Movement members in Iran. I will not take responsibility for use of this device by anyone and again, the instructions to make the device and tactical its tactical use are for educational purposes only. To quote the Myth Busters, "don't try this at home."

The PSSG is the exact same type of technology the Iranian Riot Police and riot police all over the world use against protesters. The idea is to cause chaos and disorientation among the protesters. However, the PSSG technology being given to the Freedom Movement has one added advantage over typical riot police pepper spray grenades, the PSSG also can be used as a "chuck and run" device.

The meaning of "chuck and run" is that the PSSG is intended to used as a tool for the Freedom Movement to use against the Iranian riot police and Basij when they are being attacked. The PSSG would ideally be thrown into a group of riot police as attack protesters trying to escape. The PSSG would go off in the middle of the group of riot police or basij spewing out green smoke with pepper spray. The green smoke would act to put up a screen between the flee protesters and the riot police/basij. The pepper spray component would have the same tactical use as the police use it on protesters.

The tactical nature of the PSSG has advantages, and disadvantages which need to be mentioned and stressed!!!! as very important! Use of the PSSG can only be used against the riot police and basij and all related parties. Once the device is activated, it can not be stopped. It is important that the user knows how to use it and to understand that the PSSG device does NOT care if basij or Freedom Movement members are affected by it. The PSSG should be used right before protesters start to flee and it is very important to be upwind of the riot police before activating and throwing it. Be warned, use of the device will affect all of those around it, and that does mean innocents in the streets just as the riot police's tear gas does. So always keep this in mind before using the device.

The suggestions from the supporters of the Movement who gave me the instructions for the PSSG are to make two devices, one being just the smoke bomb ring pull fuse type and them the PSSG, being the smoke bomb ring pull fuse with the pepper spray component. The regular smoke bomb can be used without any chance of any innocent bystanders being hurt, but still create a cloudy shield for the protesters to find escape routes while the riot police struggle to see.

Ultimately, it is up to the members of the Iranian Freedom Movement to decide how they will use the PSSG and non-pepper spray smoke bomb grenade. Please use the knowledge wisely and the goal is allow to have the Green Movement members a device that is non-lethal to defend themselves against riot police. The ultimate goal of providing the knowledge to make the PSSG is to save the lives of the innocent members of the Iranian Green Movement. Again, use the knowledge wisely.

How to Make a Pepper Spray Smoke Grenade


Defensive Tactical Use

Against Riot Police and Basij

Instructions in how to make a Pepper Spray Smoke Bomb grenade with ring pull fuse:

To make the PSSB grenade with a pull ring fuse make the components in the following order as presented below:

Note: This formula is designed to make a pepper spray concentration approximately 4 to 5 times what you typically see

Ring Pull Fuse Components & Instructions:

    • Large paperclips, one for each grenade.
    • A box of wooden stemmed matches with strikers on the sides, one for each grenade.
    • 6 to 7 cm section of plastic drinking straw (approximately the same length as the wooden matches), approximately 1 cm in diameter, one section for each grenade.
    • Cloth-tape, duct tape or something similar.
    • Rubber bands, one for each grenade.
    • Tissue paper, i.e. toilet paper.
  1. Open the box of matches and place 8 matches to the side. Next take a knife take the remaining matches and carefully break off the head of the wooden stem. After all the match heads are removed from the stem place them in the matchbox.
  2. Next take a section of straw and seal off one end of the straw with tissue paper.
  3. Take the match head and pour them into the piece of plastic straw and then seal the top end of the straw with tissue paper like you did with the bottom end.
  4. Now take the 8 matches you set to the side and encircle the outside section of tissue with them. Seat the head of the match on the outside edge of the straw. Secure the matches with tape, for example duct tape. We will call this the “core” section of the fuse.
  5. Now take your paperclip and straight it out and make it in to a ring. Twist the ends of the paperclip leaving a twist end about 1 cm in length.
  6. Okay, now take the empty matchbox and using a pair of scissors cut the striker ends of the matchbox off.
  7. Take the matchbox strikers, striker end facing in, and secure them with tape to the twisted ends of the paperclip. We will call this the “ring” section of the fuse.
  8. Finally, take the “ring” section and drape the striker end over the “core” section of fuse. Now take a rubber band and wrap it tightly around striker section of the “ring”, securing it to the “core”. Now your fuse is ready, place it to the side.

Note: Fuses can be made in advance and stored, if you do, store them in a

cool and dry place away from sunlight.

Ring Pull Fuse Instruction Video:

Pepper Spray Formula Ingredients & Instructions:

  • 10 tablespoons = 150 cc of ground hot red pepper, for example cayenne pepper. (Cayenne pepper is one of the components in the pepper spray used by riot police.)
  • Medium sized bottle of rubbing alcohol, also known as, isopropyl alcohol that is used for in first aid.
  • Baby Oil, or any similar oil that contains mineral oil as a primary component.
  • Glass jar, approximately 150 cl to 250 cl in volume, with a screw on top.
    • Similar volume jar for the post-mixing process.
    • A 20 cm by 20 cm, or so, piece of cloth the mixture can be filtered with.

Pepper Spray Component Video:

  1. Take the 150 cc of ground pepper and place it into a glass container, approximately 150 cl to 250 cl., with a screw on top.
  2. Now pore the rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) into the glass jar, covering approximately 1 cm above the ground red pepper powder.
  3. Now grind & stir with a mortar, an ice cream scoop will work too or a blender if you have one would be ideal, for 10 minutes!
  4. Now add enough baby oil to the mixture to increase the fluid leave approximately 0.5 cm. Now mix for two minutes!
  5. Now take the second glass jar and cover the top of the jar with the filtering cloth. Using your hand tap the filtering cloth into the jar to form a “cone” inside the jar. Slowly pore the pepper mixture onto the cloth so liquid portion of the solution is separated from the particles of the mixture.
  6. Place the strained hot pepper/rubbing alcohol/baby oil solution to the side.
  7. Now place it to the side.

Ingredients and instructions for making the smoke bomb component of the Pepper Spray Ring-pull fuse grenade:

    • Granulated sugar, type used in baking.
    • Salt Peter, Potassium Nitrate, typically found in a garden shop.
    • Baking soda, calcium carbonate, type used in cooking.
    • Green organic ground powder dye.
    • Cardboard tubing from toilet paper rolls.
    • Tape, use duct tape or similar.
      • Seal one end of the cardboard tubing beforehand.
    • Sections of cardboard tubing big enough to set the toilet paper rolls in and about half again as long as the cardboard toilet paper rolls.
      • Seal one end of the cardboard tubing beforehand
    • Medium sized-sauce pan or pot used for cooking, something like you would use to boil water.
    • One plastic pen approximately the same size and the diameter of the ring fuse.
    • NOTE! During the whole process you MUST keep stirring the mixture or it will harden and you will have to start over!
    • Towards the end of the end of the process the mixture will become pasty in nature.

IMPORTANT!!! The pepper spray solution will become heated in the mixture and make fumes that will irritate the eyes, use safety goggles and a surgical mask to prevent breathing in pepper spray mixture.

  1. Add 60 grams of saltpeter to the saucepan and then add 40 grams of granulated sugar. Slowly start to heat, stirring continuously and use a low to medium setting, the mixture until the sugar starts to caramelize, like it would when you would do making candy.
    1. The mixture at this point should look like semi-smooth peanut butter.
  2. After the mixture melts into a paste, add one tablespoon = 150 cc of baking soda, and stir it into the sugar and saltpeter mixture. Keep stirring until you are sure the baking soda is properly mixed.
    1. The paste should look like thicker peanut butter.
  3. Now stir in the green organic powder dye until you get the shade of green to the paste you want.
  4. Now take the pepper spray solution and stir it into the mixture.
  5. Now take the cardboard tubing, with one end sealed and fill it with the pepper spray smoke bomb paste ¾ of the way full.
  6. Take the pen and stick it the center of the mixture. You want to insert the pen so far enough in that the ring fuse will seat in the fuse about 2 cm.
    1. Allow the pen to set in the pepper spray smoke bomb paste approximately one hour, or until the paste is semi-firm.
    2. Remove the plastic pen and insert the fuse and allow the paste to harden, approximately another couple of hours so the paste is completely cured.
    3. Do not allow the striker section of the fuse to be incased by the paste, this will make it difficult to ignite the fuse.
  7. After the ring fuse is firmly set take the cardboard section of the bomb and insert into the larger section of cardboard tubing, there should be approximately 3 cm of space between the two top sections of tubing. Pack the space with cotton. The base of the ring section of the fuse should be at approximately the same level as the top of the second piece of cardboard tubing.
  8. Lastly, tape, with duct tape or similar, the outside of the larger tube (this will protect the hands), enclosing the top of the cardboard tubing, but leaves the ring section exposed.

How to make Smoke Bomb Component Video:

Some experimentation may be needed. This device can be used in a number ways.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bodyhammer: Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern Protester

Through out history, oppressed people of many societies have revolted and protested against their suppressors. The suppressors could be a tyrannical regime, like the one that currently exists in Iran, or an employer hiring thugs to squash workers trying to unionize, as happened in the United States back in the late 1800s to early 1900s'.

Tactics used by the oppressor to quell unrest have changed over time, sometimes the tactics have been more peaceful, but usually, the means to quell the oppressed have become more lethal and efficient. However, protesters through out history haven't always changed their tactics to themselves against the tyrannical methods use by their suppressors.

“I will force my body to be my weapon and my statement so...”
-The Stranglers, “Death & Night & Blood”

Over time individuals and groups have come to the aid of the oppressed to give them tools to defend themselves against tyrannical regimes.

"Technology has changed the street protest. In centuries past, a mass of people
wishing to express themselves could only be silenced by live gunfire. But the advent of
riot armor, lacryXXX gases and “less-lethal” projectiles have allowed ruling establishments
to squelch the voice of protesters with great ease, and even better PR." - Sarin, "BodyHammer: Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern Protester."

Below is a link to an Adobe PDF copy of: BodyHammer: Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern Protester. The document mainly concentrates on explaining how to use and make body and shield armor for protesters to minimize injury from "non-lethal" weapons.

Please, if you can, download a copy of this PDF file, rename the file (i.e. to say family photo album) to decrease the probability of the Iranian regime's cyber filters from intercepting the document. Also, renaming the document increases the security for all, especially your friends in Iran.

Walk safely and blessed to all who are and support the Sea of Green.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Common Sense Counter Surveillance by Boris Korczak - Former CIA Agent

Common Sense Counter Surveillance by Boris Korczak, retired CIA Agent. Series of videos dedicated from avoiding surveillance:*

Tactics and Advice by Boris Korczak:

YouTube Profile for Boris Korczak. Who I wish to thank for this series of helpful videos.

*Note-A variety of videos on counter sureillance is available through first video
done by Boris Korczak.

Be safe and always keep your personal security in mind at all times!!!!

Time for Mozane..

This beautiful song is by Mozne, a Iranian-American about people fighting for the freedom of voice. All people deserve a right to the freedom of voice. I'm a student of the Founder Thomas Jefferson and he spoke these words 200 years ago and they are true today as they were then and I feel an example for all people in this world who wish to protect their freedom of voice.

People are responsible for their freedom and liberty and it is the duty of the people to defend
their freedom from abuse by the government.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sea of Green...peace and defense

Introduction: Hope and friendship for a common and mutual piece.

“Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy,
and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it."....Thomas Jefferson.

Man has fought against tyranny for liberty and freedom since the dawn of man. According to Thomas Jefferson, “Nature and God have given all peoples of this world the inalienable right of pursue the pursuit of happiness.” All people will define their own destiny if they have the strength and will to do so. From the 1960’s protest rally cries in the US against the Vietnam War, “Power to the People.”

People give the right to government to rule and it the responsibility of the government to ensure the rights of the people. The people must always not become passive in protecting their rights, and an educated populace is the best defender in protecting their rights from the tyranny of government.

This blog was set up as a site and refuge to disseminate information to the people and patriots of the Green Movement of seeking freedom and liberty in the Republic of Iran. All information in this blog is to be used for peaceful tactics and no information given here is non-lethal in nature. No information will be given to assist violent action. The vast majority of individuals I communicate with fighting for their freedom in Iran wish a peaceful and non-violent transition of power.

Information in the blog will be both of technical nature and preaching teachings of foundations of democracy from the Founds of the US, like Thomas Jefferson, civil disobedience teachings of Gandhi, and so on. I will attempt and will take suggestions from all people to outline and give fair balance of philosophies on developing true democracies created by and for the people. This blog is not to be used as a forum of debate on who is right or wrong. Religious discussion will not be allowed, that is a much more private matter and this forum was not recreated for it. If discussion of religious beliefs or matters is discussed on this blog, the site will be shutdown. ASAP.

This blog is only created for the exclusive use and dissemination of information to the citizens of the Republic of Iran, in the Green Movement, peacefully protesting against, (sorry the tyrant does not deserve the respect be anointed that title President or Doctor), Ahmadinejad and his thugs are suppressing and denying the rights and freedoms given, even under the current Republics constitution, to the true patriots of the Republic of Iran.

Though, I accept no responsibility use and outcomes of any information given in this blog. It is only to be used as a reference and again for the exclusive right of the by the citizens in Iran who are members of the Green Movement and opposed to the false regime of Ahmadinejad.

Note: I do not claim to be the best writer, so please excuse the typos as they occur.

Sea of Green....Peace and Defense.

For all links: English and Farsi.

Note: I tried to do direct links, but for some reason they wouldn't work. Please copy and past links to get to sites listed, all information is from reliable sources. Assets will be added as asked. Leave comments if you need specific information on tactics or defense. Only defensive advise will be given, the Green Movement is one of peace, and one of change, but you do have a right defend yourself and those it was why you have me as an ally.

I apologize if translation is off using Google Translator.

Defenses against night vision goggles - دفاع در مقابل دوربین دید در شب عینک ایمنی.


• An old camera flash with a reflector to aim the intense flash or a strobe. Must remember to close eyes before flashing someone.


• یک فلاش دوربین های قدیمی را با یک جسم صیقلی به هدف و یا یک فلاش قوی بارق. باید به یاد داشته باشید تا قبل از چشم بستن flashing کسی.

Defeating security Cameras - شکست دادن دوربین های امنیتی.


• Using IRLEDs to defeat security Cameras


• استفاده از IRLEDs دوربین های امنیتی به شکست


• Using Balloon to Defeat Security Camera



• استفاده از Ballon به شکست امنیت دوربین

Other Methods – English

• Activist are using mirrors to blind the cameras with sunlight, making surveillance increasingly difficult.

روشهای دیگر - Farsi:

• فعال هستند با استفاده از آینه به کور از دوربین های با نور آفتاب ، به طور فزاینده دشوار ساخت نظارت

Defeating Security Dogs*
شکست دادن امنیت سگ


• Security dogs use their noses as we all know and that nose detector can be defeated with simple cayenne pepper or similar substances. Long term this will not hurt the dog.


Farsi :

• سگ های امنیتی استفاده از noses خود را به عنوان ما همه میدانیم و ردیاب بینی است که می تواند با فلفل ساده هندی و یا مواد مشابه را شکست خواهد شد. در این مدت طولانی خواهد کرد سگ صدمه دیده است.

• دفاع در برابر سگ های امنیتی.

*Note: I am huge dog lover, so it is important to me to give info to help people, but not the animal. If the dog attacks that is a different story, but carrying a handful of pepper in your pocket either way is a way to get easy access and go noticed.

Defenses against Iranian Riot Police - دفاع در برابر ایران ضد شورش پلیس.

Farsi and English:


• Defense against Iranian Riot Police

This is a document that a friend of mine who is an Iranian-American
police officer has put together. He is the member of the SWAT team and
he's an expert on anti riot tactics. he has been watching and studying
the videos and the tactics that basij has been using and he put the
document together. It would be great to spread this document and pass it
on to the kids in Iran. It might save their lives. -- SB

Here are some simple ways of defending yourself when attacked by Basij or
Security forces.

Anti riot attacks

Once caught by security forces, the best way to break free is by swinging
relentlessly in all directions. Keep in mind that security forces have to
hold on to you, which means they only can use one hand to deflect the
blows. Brass Knuckle is extremely effective when trying to break loose
from the grip of security forces. Wooden brass knuckle is strong and
simple to make. The image above is a sample of a basic wooden brass
knuckle that can be made with a piece of wood, a cutter and a drill. It
should not take more than 30 minutes to make a wooden brass knuckle.
Wooden brass knuckle is extremely strong, light weight and versatile.
Make sure that the top edges are sharp and round.

Motorcycle attacks

Iranian Basij motorcycle units use attack and retrieve tactics which is
meant to create fear more than anything else. The same tactic was used by
US police forces on horsebacks when confronting the civil right
protestors. The advantage of utilizing motorcycles in urban environment
is obvious: motorcycles can go places that cars can?t. However,
motorcycles have disadvantages which can handicap the force that uses

The most effective way of disabling motorcycles is using tire spikes.
Though made of carbon cratnor material, the Basij motorcycle tires cannot
withstand multiple punctures. The easiest way to spike Basiji?s tires is
by using a simple tire spike system called Iron Caltrop. This simple
device can be made in a matter of minutes by wrapping two pieces of nail
together in a 65 degree angle. By dropping a handful of Iron Caltrop on
the ground, you can deflate the tires of Basijis? motorcycles in a matter
of minutes. If you ride, you know how difficult it is to steer a
motorcycle with two flat tires.

Tear gas

A fabric socked in vinegar can very well protect you against tear gas.
Cover your nose and mouth with the fabric and keep plenty of water around
to wash your eyes if you come in direct contact with tear gas. Urban
Legend: burning tires will reduce the effect of tear gas. Not true, it
actually increases the effect and it smells bad too.


Riot police is trained to use batons. They understand that it?s easy to
hit a stationary target and much easier to hit a target that is running
away. Hitting somebody with baton is a matter of timing. The worst thing
you can do is to run away from baton whirling security guards because it
allows them to time the strike perfectly. The most effective way to
counter a security guard with baton is to throw off his timing by going
directly at him. That?s right. Run away and turn and go directly at him.
When you go directly at the guard and close the distance, you completely
screw up his timing. A boxer cannot hit a person that is standing 2
inches away from his face. That?s why boxer bounce around. A baton
whirling guard is just like a boxer, he needs to time his strikes. By
going directly at the guard and closing distance you mess-up his timing
and might even be able to take him down.

Riot formation

Basij and police security guardsmen perform best when crowd disperses and
becomes separated. The worst scenario for the riot police is when the
crowd is together and inseparable. South Korean labor protestors in the
90s were the best organized units in history of rioting. Thousands of
them held on to each other (locked arms) and no matter what, they did not
let go. It made it impossible for the riot police to disperse them.

Just a few tips. Please translate and send it back to the youth in Iran.
This can save their lives.

More tips:

This is from a twitter user called "GhostOfCyrus", he has been posting
these tips over and over again, he adds more and more tips, translate and
spread the messages:

Dip cloth in vinegar, bind it infront of your face and nose, it helps
against tear gas. #iranelection

Dont wear t-shirts, try covering as much of your skin as you can, wear
full clothes, it helps against tear gas and chemicals #iranelection

When protesting, stay together, the worst thing you can do is to run away
and spread in small groups, making it easier for the Basij#Iranelection

Dont go alone out and protest, go out in groups of at least 5, walk
together, storm together, watch over each-other #iranelection

Organize yourself in groups, let one of you carry a bag with water,
medical equipment like band aid, another one a camera #IranElection

Organize groups to spread across the city, each group covering a certain
part. Recruit but beware of government infiltrators#Iranelection

If someone in your group gets killed, do not give the body to hospitals.
Document the killing, Hide them for their families. #Iranelection

If you have weapons, dont use them during day protest. Organize and use
them in the night, basij are less organized then. #Iranelection

Use weapons only in self-defence, dont give them legitimacy to shoot into
crowds. #Iranelection

Rub onion juice under your eyes to tolerate yourself against tear gas if
you know there will be fights, be prepeared! #Iranelection

Medical students should organize and create secret make shift hospitals
that are out of reach of the basij #Iranelection

Create protection against Baton beatings,take a piece of wood/metal,bind
it under your arm,use it as a shield as you run #Iranelection

Carry light clubs and knuckle rings/weapons to punch and beat back
militia groups if needed.

Wear gloves, tear gas canisters are warm, they can be thrown back at the
police, do this fast! #Iranelection

Motorbikes:use nails, spikes, create full road blocks, if they get off
their bikes, bomb them with rocks, push them back #Iranelection

Cover your faces, do not take pictures of your fellow protestors faces!
Hide the faces if you publish them on the net #Iranelection

Simple full clothing covering like latex and plastic based clothing is
effective against helicopter dropped chemicals #Iranelection

Put pressure on bullet wounds, stop the bleeding, transport to a hospital
as fast as possible #Iranelection

Gun wounds on chest must be compressed and covered with air tight PLASTIC
to avoid insucktion of air, then transport HOSPITAL #Iranelection

The plastic film that you put on a gun shot wound on the chest must be
secured with tape hard! Dont let air be sucked in #Iranelection

First aid bag: Band aid with tape, water with spray bottles, plastic
film, Ice bags, poles to bind next to fractures etc #Iranelection

Remember, The government is running psychological warfare, do not believe
their newspapers, radio and TV channels. FIGHT! #Iranelection

These tips will be repeated every couple of hours, spread these tips to
your brother and sisters, you are the resistance! #Iranelection


This is the best way.
1- If you ever ride a motorcycle, you know an oily road is most
If protesters through oil , or burned oil in front of Motorcycles
attackers, they will fell for sure.

People can make balloons filled with auto oil or burned auto oils and
drop them over the attackers.


Sticks...into the spokes of motorcycle wheels will bring them down. Once
down, they can be owned.
Oil works great too. Great two wheel destabilizer.
When they go down...try to get their helmets off...they feel powerful
with them on...not so when off
Power is in numbers. Use four people to attack each motorcycle. Four on
two are good odds, when armed with sticks, brass knuckles. Pull spark
plug wires, rip off radios. Make it a very expensive expenditure to put
motorcycles into the battle.
Balloons filled with gasoline and a zippo type lighter will light the
bike and its riders up
How you defeat a bully is by standing up to him, being smarter and never
backing down, even if you get your ass kicked the first time.
You all know who these people(bajis) are. They have wives, children,
homes, they go shopping, they go to work. They live among you. They have
to sleep sometime.
Two people with stranded metal cable stretched tight at the right moment
can dismount a motorcycle in an instant and its very difficult to see
through the face mask of a helmet especially in dim light.
You take out enough of these guys and they will cower.
Hope you have much success


• دفاع در مقابل پلیس ضد شورش ایران.

Defense Tactics against Police Batons-Video in English & Farsi subtitles.

Tactics used by Iranian Basij - تاکتیک های استفاده شده توسط ایران بسیج


• Tactics Iranian Basij


• تاکتیک ایران بسیج

Chemicals used by riot police - مواد شیمیایی مورد استفاده توسط پلیس ضد شورش


• Tear Gas

• Vomiting Agents

o Vomiting agents II


• گاز اشک آور

• عوامل استفراغ

Emergency First Aid - اول کمک اضطراری


General Resource for Emergency First Aid:


Post Exposure Treatments for Pepper Spray: (English only.)
Though there is no way of completely neutralizing pepper spray, its effect can be minimized or stopped. Capsaicin is not soluble in water, and even large volumes of water will not wash it off. Victims should be encouraged to blink vigorously in order to encourage tears, which will help flush the irritant from the eyes. The spray can be washed off the face using soap, shampoo, dish washing detergent, or other detergents. Any cooling like ice, cold water, cold surface, or a fan will provide some relief. Milk has been shown to provide some relief and is frequently recommended for treatment of natural capsaicin exposure (chile peppers, hot sauces, spices). To avoid rubbing the spray into the skin, thereby prolonging the burning sensation, and in order to not spread the compound to other parts of the body, victims should try to avoid touching affected areas. Application of oils, or oil containing creams can trap the capsaicin to the skin and result in more severe chemical burns and blistering. There are also wipes, manufactured [14] for the express purpose of serving to decontaminate someone who has received a dose of pepper spray. Many ambulance services and emergency departments use baby shampoo to remove the spray and with generally good effect. Some of the OC and CS will remain in the respiratory system, but a recovery of vision and the coordination of the eyes can be expected within 7 to 15 minutes.[15]
Some "triple-action" pepper sprays also contain "tear gas" (CS gas), which can be neutralized with sodium metabisulfite (Campden tablets, used in homebrewing), though it, too, is not water soluble and could be washed off using the same procedure as for pepper spray. Some sprays also contain a UV "blanketing" dye that is used for identification of sprayed individuals (little can be done against this, but its effects are not nearly as dramatic).

Information Warfare: Getting the message across.

Originally I was going to summarize the information, but depending on what you need to win hearts and minds, may not be what I see in your eyes. Two links are given. One is an environmentalist idea of winning hearts and minds for their views,yes it is practical to the Green Movements goals. The other is the U.S. Psychological Warfare Manual, it is an outdated version, but still practical for what you need. On the US Psy Ops manual link allows you to download a pdf version. Please use the information as you need it.

Note: All text and information is in English, Farsi Translation is not available.

Link to the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest

Police Tactics and How To Defeat Them

The local, state and federal governments have unlimited tax dollars to use to control crowds at demonstrations and insurrections. We must develop ways to combat these technologies, and although we are in reality in a fight against technology, it would be naive to think we can use spears against these maniacs. Therefore, we need to find ways to eliminate police tactics. The following information are some common used tactics and best effective ways to beat them.

Riot Cop Gear and Equipment

To crush protests, police departments all over the world have invented countless methods. Some are new, others only adaptations of battle tactics from the ancient times. Just as importantly, new and much improved equipment has been issued to riot police squads, making them nearly unstoppable. On the right you can see how a regular American riot cop looked like at Seattle. In most European countries, similar equipment is used, although full body armor is not standard yet, therefore Plexiglas shields are used.

Much like a renaissance knight, a modern riot cop is wearing full body armor, heavy boots and a large helmet completely encasing the head and neck. He is practically invulnerable even to the hardest punches and kicks, as well as moderately protected against fire. Armed with a long baton and those killer boots, he can attack aggressively and efficiently.

What makes such a riot cop really effective, though, is constant radio communication. As you can see from the picture, each cop has two radio sets, one in the helmet and another for backup. This allows the riot police to coordinate their moves and sweep the streets with ease. If extra firepower is necessary, they can fire tear gas, rubber bullets or even deploy armored vehicles and water cannons.

Police Tactics and Their Defeat

Anyone with some knowledge of history can clearly see that most crowd control tactics are simply copied from ancient warfare. Riot police fight much like a Macedonian phalanx would back in 330 BC. There are adaptations, of course, but the basic concept is the same, meaning that similar countermeasures that had caused the demise of the phalanx as a military unit would have a similar effect if deployed nowadays against the police.
Most of the time, riot police are deployed in a long line formation, usually standing in front of important buildings or blocking streets. When these line formations are present, they are usually just one man deep, especially when they stand to protect property (see picture). These line formations only work when each officer is standing side by side to eachother. When dealing with narrow paths and small sidewalks, large obstacles (barricades) will split these line formations and cause their entire formation to fall apart.
When line formations have already formed, you can run your line into theirs.If they feel threatened, they can increase the distance between them and the protesters by firing tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets. Tear gas and pepper spray are also used to disperse crowds or at least soften them up prior to an attack. This where gas masks and shields come in. The police will not disperse any chemical agents unless they are wearing gas masks themselves. If they are wearing masks, and the Bloc is less than 20 feet away from the police formation, they will not fire tear gas cannisters because it may be damaging to the officers' safety. They will however disperse pepper spray. To protect yourself from being directly hit with pepper spray, shields are a good idea. Click here for shield construction methods. When pepper spray is dispersed in an area, it can cause lung and throat difficulties to everyone surrounding it, even if they have not been directly sprayed. For this, a large cloth soaked in vinegar works great. Make sure that you carry plenty of water. When you are sprayed or gassed, pour lots of water over the exposed area. Gas masks are another alternative, yet are not always safe, being that they are illegal and can get you a nice conspiracy charge.
In attack, the line formation usually advances only after tear gas has been fired. On the move, policemen tend to march fairly slowly, not just because of the heavy armor but because they have to maintain the original formation at all costs. Only if the protesters are fleeing the scene will they sometimes try to chase them down.

First of all, it soon became apparent that no government could suppress large-scale protests just with the elite riot police. Their equipment was just too expensive and inevitably, regular police forces had to be called in as well. Of course, riot police was always tasked with guarding only the vital objectives while the regular police would normally just perform less important duty. Protesters would often take advantage of that and split themselves in two groups. One would attack the poorly defended positions by hurling rocks and firebombs. Since regular police could not sustain that for any longer period of time, the riot police would have to come to their aid. Then the second group of protesters would attack the now much weakened main objectives and possibly seize them.
If more aggressive approach was desired, one group of protesters would lead the police in a trap by making a quick assault and falling back immediately afterwards, as if fleeing the scene. The police would usually pursue them haphazardly, falling easy prey to a flanking attack of other protesters who would suddenly rush out from side streets.


Barricades are a great tool in creating chaos in the streets. When line formations start to advance on the Bloc, or when vehicles are called in (like the armored tank in Seattle), barricades are a great way to stop them. Barricades can be created out of just about anything. In the past, the concrete has been torn from the ground and piled up in the streets. Construction sites have those neat little barricades that can be stolen at night time. Take one and add your own things to it: barbed wire, bricks, basically anything that is heavy. You can also liberate police barricades from the scene and pile them up. Cars can be wonderful barricades and can be easily set on fire. Once again, be creative. Its not that hard to make a wonderful barricade.