Monday, November 30, 2009

Preparing for the coming of 16 Azar...Self Defense Tactics & Weapons

Preparing for the coming storm....16 Azar
Tactical Self Defense Techniques

Dear Children of the Sea of Green. The free people of this world continue to unite with you in your struggle against oppression and your fight for freedom. Be not mistaken, it is a fight and you must be prepared to defense yourselves by any means you have available to you at the time.

The articles to be posted are from I would like to thank them ahead of time for providing the much needed information. My regret is that I only wish I had found this sooner and gotten it up. This information is for instructional purpose only for the defense studies against Basij. May God always watch over your Children of the Sea of Green and for your success to Live Free!


Unarmed self-defense techniques: eye attacks

I. Eye gouge technique

Eye gouge technique can help you get out of a tight jam; it’s usually considered as an ultimate measure for extreme self-defense situations. Take the following steps to apply simplest eye gouge technique to your attacker: use two fingers on just one hand - your pointer finger and middle finger; point them straight out, folding the remaining two fingers out of the way; place your thumb on top of the remaining fingers to keep them out of the way; spread your pointer finger and the middle finger, and stiffen them. Eye gouge technique is easy to do and requires almost no power or training to be able to perform it. Another option – thumb gouge (performed with thumbs), which might be substantially more effective in dire emergencies. Don't expect to be able to just stick your thumb into someone's eye and dig it around. It ain't going to happen. As soon as your thumb makes contact with his eye, the attacker’s hand will be reaching up to pull your thumb away, it's just a natural reaction. If attacker is grabbing you, the eye gouge will make him release his hold so that he can get your finger or thumb off of his eye. This action will free you from him and allow you to get some room to strike, kick, or escape. The gouge usually lacks power, it's not a strike. It's a close in, gouging move that will cause the attacker to pull back. The element of surprise is necessary for applying eye gouge in self-defense.

II. Eye strikes

Striking the eye is an excellent tactic whenever you must defend yourself. The difference between an eye strike and an eye gouge is speed and impact. An eye strike will impact upon the attacker’s eye with speed and force. This should cause a blinding flash of white light to explode inside the attacker’s head. A temporary loss of vision in the eye that has been struck is a very real possibility. Perhaps the best technique for this attack is the palm heel. Notice how perfectly the heel of your hand fits into your eye socket. The orbital bones that protect the eye offer little protection from your palm heel. Your palm heel will slam right into the attacker’s eyeball. It is this impact that will result in the flash of white light. If you want to double the effect of this strike then hit with a double palm heel strike. Both hands drive out and strike both eye sockets. Little need to worry if the attacker is wearing eye glasses - just drive his glasses into his eyes!
The impact from the strike could quite easily knock out the attacker. The strike attacks the nervous system, and it overwhelms the system causing a knockout effect. A smaller person could stop a larger person far easier by striking his eye than he could by trying to punch the larger person.

Vulnerable points of the body

Vulnerable body points
Vulnerable points of the body

The head is, of course, the command centre of the body, housing the brain and most of the major sense organs, including the eyes, nose, ears and mouth, all of which are sensitive to pain and easily damaged. Blows to the head can easily render a person unconscious and if excessively powerful can cause brain damage or even kill. Deaths in combat rarely occur from being struck with a single blow and tend to result from the cumulative effects of severe beatings, often coupled with extreme exhaustion, as in the case of professional boxers. The effectiveness of knock-out punches results from the impact of the fist causing the brain to move inside the skull. This causes the individual to black out. The point or side of the jaw are the areas most boxers aim to hit since impacts here facilitate the shaking movement of the head that leads to the knock-out effect. Knock-outs occur occasionally in other sports, such as semi-contact karate when the odd accidental or uncontrolled blow lands — again usually to the jaw. Basically, every case of a knockout blow causes concussion and minor brain damage, so experimenting by knocking out partners in training cannot be recommended.
The implications of the effectiveness of the punch to the jaw for ju-jitsu students concerned to develop their ability to protect themselves are obvious. In addition to being a very quick and effective method for incapacitating an attacker, it is also a target that is relatively easy to hit and one that is safe, from the point of view of applying ju-jitsu for self-defense. Moreover, it is safe in terms of the amount of damage that such a blow will inflict on an assailant; whilst a knock-out punch to the jaw does no one any good, an equally hard blow delivered to the temple or windpipe, for instance, could quite easily kill the person.
A blow to the eye or eyes by someone trained to hit can cause severe tearing of the skin as well as permanent eye damage, perhaps even partial or total blindness. The potential seriousness of attacking the eyes should not be underestimated; a complete loss of vision can result from eye damage incurred whilst fighting. Many boxers are forced to retire because the retina has become detached — caused by taking one punch too many — and many fights are stopped because of cuts on or near the eye since such cuts may constitute a great hazard to a fighter's health. Punching someone in the eye, especially without gloves, is an extremely vicious and dangerous form of attack, only for use in dire emergencies. The knock-out blow to the jaw must be preferred every time. Strikes to the eyes are designed for life-and-death struggles, where neither the well-being of the assailant, nor the legal consequences of any damage inflicted were of any concern to the person being attacked.

The eyes remain a very vulnerable target and can be effectively attacked in order to distract an assailant and apply a throw or a locking technique. However, it would be difficult to justify inflicting serious injury unless an attacker was armed. As the punishment should fit the crime, so the degree of force used should correspond to the seriousness of the threat an assailant offers. In the case of women, children or old people seriously threatened by an adult male attacker, aiming for the eyes may be the best chance for survival.
Blows to the nose are excruciatingly painful, invariably causing bleeding, impeding breathing and making the eyes water, so causing vision difficulties. The nose is particularly vulnerable to open-handed blows striking in an upward direction. If the nose is broken, permanent disfigurement can result and breathing becomes impaired.
The mouth is similarly vulnerable and the lips are prone to splitting and bleeding if a punch lands on a mouth unprotected by a gum-shield. The gum-shield prevents the teeth from being knocked out and also from splitting the insides of the mouth. A punch in the mouth can also lead to injury to the hand if the fist comes into contact with the teeth.
Punching an attacker in the forehead or the back of the skull is likely to do as much damage to your own hand as to your assailant's head, perhaps even more. The head (as opposed to the face) is a particularly dangerous place to punch anyone and indeed one of the main reasons that boxers wear gloves is to protect their hands. The outlawed bare-knuckle style of fighting frequently saw hand injuries, caused by hard heads, deciding the outcome. Incidentally, it is highly unlikely that the old-time prize-fighters could punch as hard or were as fit as modern-day boxers. Improved training methods and hand protection in the form of bandages and gloves allow fighters to generate more power and punch harder than ever before. Obviously, when defending yourself against an attacker, there is never sufficient time to bandage up your hands and put gloves on, so it is imperative that ju-jitsu practitioners train to make a 'proper fist' in order to be able to hit effectively and not damage their hands in the process. The formation of a correct fist has always been a hallmark of Japanese karate systems and students have always trained, with some frequency, on the makiwara (a wooden post covered in straw) to forge their weapons.
Those martial artists who, for whatever reasons, prefer not to perform hand-conditioning drills (which have been much criticized) are advised to develop striking techniques targeted on the soft areas of an assailant's body. The solar plexus is just such an area, being a large nerve group located just below the point of the sternum or breastbone. It was made famous as a target area in the west long before the popularization of ju-jitsu, when Bob Fitzsimmons became the Heavyweight Champion of the World by knocking out Gentleman Jim Corbett with a punch to the solar plexus. In the untrained person it remains a very vulnerable area, but combat sportsmen such as boxers, kick-boxers and full-contact taekwondo fighters perform lots of abdominal conditioning to build up and tone the muscle necessary to protect the area. As well as those target areas on the face mentioned earlier, there are other places that cannot be protected by any amount of conditioning, in particular the throat, kidneys and testicles.
The throat can be attacked with striking techniques which cause a reflex gagging action as the person struck gasps for air. The knife hand, straight-finger jab and extended knuckle strike are best for attacking this area, as the windpipe is protected on either side by the sternomastoid muscles of the neck. The throat is often an awkward target since experienced fighters keep their chin tucked low, which tends to protect this area very effectively.
The kidneys are located in the back just below the ribs and when struck cause a particularly sickening pain akin to that caused by a blow to the testicles. Obviously the attacker must have his back turned, or at least be sideways-on, in order for a strike there to be feasible, but this position can easily be achieved once any sort of punching attack is made. When an attacker is on the ground, perhaps after being thrown, he will frequently attempt to protect the front of his body by curling up in a ball, but in so doing he exposes his kidneys to serious injury from stamping kicks, the knee-drop or punches.
The testicles are probably the weakest point on any man and are susceptible to striking, kicking and squeezing attacks. They are generally indicated as the best target for a woman threatened by rape. Low kicks or knee strikes are effective when standing, as indeed is the low punch. When fighting on the ground it can be difficult to generate sufficient force for an effective strike, but grabbing and squeezing is a distinct possibility. All of these areas above are very sensitive to pain and a hard blow should incapacitate or badly injure most assailants.
Ju-jitsu techniques can also be directed against the joints of the body, the fingers, wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and neck. All joints are designed to move through certain ranges of movement which vary from individual to individual. Ju-jitsu kansetsu-waza employs the principle of forcing the joint through a range of movement for which it was not designed. This puts severe strain on muscles and especially on ligaments, which frequently tear when a joint is moved beyond the extremity of its normal range and so becomes dislocated. Many of the body's joint structures are interdependent and pressure applied on one can be transmitted through to another. The interrelation between elbow and shoulder is the most obvious case; frequently a technique designed to lock the elbow, such as ude-garami or waki-gatame will lock the shoulder also. This is often a result of the person being locked twisting to alleviate the pressure of the initial attack and so 'spreading the load' or simply a result of limited mobility. The neck tends not to be thought of as such but it is indeed a vitally important joint. Despite being protected by strong muscle groups (at least in some cases) the neck is still extremely vulnerable to a variety of methods of attack. Neck locks, strangles and chokes can all be applied with sufficient force to kill. Striking techniques, however, would generally need to be extremely powerful in order to be lethal. Any attack to the neck, particularly locking techniques, can have a paralyzing effect because of the neck's connection to the spine and central nervous system. Strangles and chokes can be most usefully employed as they can be used to render an assailant unconscious before releasing him, so removing the need for any further injury. A strangle such as works on the principle of cutting off the blood supply to the brain by applying pressure against the carotid artery in the side of the neck. Cutting off the blood supply to the brain deprives it of oxygen and so causes unconsciousness; it is normally quite painless.
In contrast, a choke is effected by applying pressure with the bony inside edge of the wrist against the windpipe or trachea and then squeezing, which has the effect of cutting off the air supply to the lungs. This, too, will cause unconsciousness, but is normally accompanied by frenzied resistance because of reflex panic and struggling brought about by the attendant choking or drowning sensation. Alternatively, unconsciousness can be almost instantaneous. Chokes are distinctly more dangerous since there is a risk of unintentionally crushing the trachea which is likely to cause death.
The other joints of the body are more easily attacked by locking techniques than strikes, especially when fighting on the ground and techniques exist to sprain, dislocate and break. The knees, elbows, ankles and shoulders are all vulnerable to such techniques. The knee is also a particularly suitable target for kicking techniques and, despite being very strong in certain positions, if struck with a blow of only forty or so pounds of pressure, laterally, it will normally dislocate. Stamping kicks are usually employed for attacking the knee from the front or the side and have the advantage that they can be used at long range before an attacker gets close enough to land a punch or grab hold of his intended victim. The knee can also be stamped on from behind. If this method is chosen it will cause the leg to bend and assist in forcing an attacker to the floor.
Other target areas which can be hit to knock an assailant to the ground include the liver, spleen, floating ribs and the occipital (back of the head). The pit of the stomach (the area below the belt in boxing parlance) is not as well protected by muscles as the upper abdomen, and vital, vulnerable organs are located there.
It can therefore be effectively hit with kicks or punches. Just beneath the heart is a vulnerable spot and the armpit, although generally difficult to attack is a major nerve centre which can be exposed when making certain punching or stabbing attacks. Even the thigh contains vulnerable nerve centers as anyone who has ever been given a 'dead leg' will agree. The nerve centers of the thighs are in fact major target areas for kicking attacks in both Kyokushinkai karate and Muay Thai kickboxing and if trained to kick in the techniques of either of these fighting systems it is a surprisingly simple matter to 'drop' an untrained attacker with a leg kick.

Unarmed Self Defense Basics

Many of us are concerned about our safety when we are out on the street. Obtaining unarmed self-defense skills is necessary element of a street survival. Unlike various self-defense devices that might not be available at crucial moment, unarmed self-defense techniques always work and give you real confidence in your ability to succeed. Unarmed self-defense involves the use of "natural weapons" of your body, including the hands, elbows or knees - these are hard body surfaces that, when used correctly, can cause an attacker pain and damage. But the term "unarmed self-defense" isn't confined to only martial aspect - it involves various skills (mental and physical) used to survival - not only fighting techniques, but abilities to evade dangerous violent confrontations. In contrast to sport-oriented martial arts, the goal of self-defense is a survival, not winning. Knocking someone out of the way and escaping can achieve survival goal, however it will never allow you to win a competition. Your primary goal - not getting hurt/injured or to minimize your injuries. Even if you're facing single unarmed attacker who doesn't obviously surpass you in physique and fighting skills, there's no reason to prove anybody in the street that you're good fighter - staying around trying to "win", making higher chance of your injury, ain't a good decision. In a confrontation with multiple attackers, escape is victory. The only hope of escape from an overwhelming number of opponents is continual movement. By the use of blows, and by shoving one opponent against the other, it will often be possible to create more room in which to keep moving. It should be remembered that the object is to get away, not to stay and fight it out against hopeless odds. Now let's overview the basic physical aspects of unarmed self-defense.

I. Hand techniques. Punching. Hand strikes

There can be no doubt that punching is effective. In fact we can safely say that the No 1 technique used in fighting is punching! Punching is the weapon of natural choice. People seem to instinctively ball up their fist and let it fly. Punches based upon boxing can be delivered in rapid fire powerful combinations. The best blows using the hands are delivered with the fist or the heel of the hand or the edge of the hand. Blows struck with the fist (uppercut, haymaker, jab) are most effective when the user has had considerable experience in boxing. It will take up to six months to learn to deliver a positive knockout blow with either fist. The time-honored American punch on the jaw is hard to beat. Delivered by a skilled boxer it puts a man down for the count. The force of the blow on the point of the chin causes a form of concussion and we have the so-called "knockout". This same result can be obtained by a blow from the heel of the hand, which packs a terrific wallop. Further, it is much easier for those inexperienced at boxing, has more of an element of surprise, and can be used from shorter starting distance. The solar plexus, lower abdomen and testicles all make good targets for solid punching attacks. Punching an attacker in the forehead or the back of the skull is likely to do as much damage to your own hand as to your assailant's head, perhaps even more. The head (as opposed to the face) is a particularly dangerous place to punch anyone and indeed one of the main reasons that boxers wear gloves is to protect their hands.
Generally speaking, open hand strikes are preferred over the closed fist strikes or punches in unarmed self-defense. The problem with using punching is that the very act of making a fist can weaken your strike. When you make a fist you'll notice that the muscles in your arms also begin to tighten. Your forearm muscles tighten and your biceps and triceps muscles also tighten. Your biceps draw your forearm towards you, while your triceps extend your forearm away from you. They work in opposite ways, but if you tense both these muscle groups at the same time you are actually fighting yourself. When you strike at someone you want your energy to be flowing in that direction, if you engage your biceps muscles during this action you are "putting the brakes on", you are slowing down your strike. The use of the open hand tends to have the opposite result, the biceps muscle tends to remain in it's relaxed state and so does not interfere with your production of speed.
A strike that exists in many karate systems and in some styles of close combat is the "spear hand" strike. This is an easy strike to form - simply straighten the fingers on your hand and make sure they are pressed together. The targets normally attacked by this strike are the solar plexus, the throat and the eyes. The spear hand strikes can make an excellent weapon for ground-fighting situations. Such strikes cause a very sharp and distracting pain. The type of pain that makes people want to pull away, and that's what you are counting on. A quick jabbing action into the lower ribs or side of the neck can cause a person to quickly release his grip upon you. A quick spear hand to the throat can be easily followed by gouging the eyes.
Elbow strikes are widely used in Muay Thai kickboxing. The elbow is a every hard surface to use and it does a lot of damage. Plus the elbow won't get broken so easily like a fist. Elbow techniques might be very effective for breaking assailant's grips.

II. Leg techniques. Kicking. Knee strikes

The use of kicking techniques in self-defense is a debatable question. Undoubtedly, leg techniques enrich your self-defense arsenal. Most of the time they do a lot of damage and keep your opponent out of arms reach. But most of sophisticated kicking techniques cultivated in such martial arts systems as taekwondo, are unfit for real street self-defense conditions. You should learn simple kicking techniques that are street practical. Leave fancy spectacular high kicks for shows and martial arts tournaments. Never use a kicks higher than waist-high in a street fight; when you kick higher than a stomach level, you risk lose your balance - the higher the kick, the higher probability of failure. Legs and kneecaps are the primary targets of your kicks in self-defense situations. Front kicks/side kicks in kneecap or shin are quite painful and can give you an advantage in time over assailant, demoralize him in first few seconds of the battle. Stamping kicks are usually employed for attacking the knee from the front or the side; they can be used at long range before an assailant gets close enough to land a punch or grab hold of you. The knee can also be stamped on from behind. The front snap kick to the groin is an extremely effective tool, but it's also usually highly expected by opponent. Preliminarily using deceptive actions, you can succeed in a groin attack. The shoe of the user is one of the external factors that exert influence on the effectiveness of kicks - massive heavy boots are preferred for self-defense.
Another option of using legs in unarmed combat - knee strikes. Knee strikes are very powerful, easy to learn, and can be considered as important element of close-range unarmed self-defense.

Common Goods As Self-Defense Weapons

By Lost Johnny

We are never unarmed, we can always use something as a weapon. This article is dedicated to use common goods as a self-defense weapons.

One of the most popular ordinary things being used for self-defense is undoubtedly the simple pen. It has several advantages: absolute legality, small size, and, that is the most important, pen is usually not considered as a potential weapon by attackers, so you can carry it openly, attached to your front pocket. The simple pen looks harmless enough, but you can use it successfully as relatively powerful weapon.

As a self-defense weapon, pen can be used like a dagger or a stiletto. Use a pen to stab assailant’s body/chest/neck. If he continues with the attack, you can also use your pen to give him an eye gouge. Alternatively, you can use your pen to stab his groin as many times as you can - then escape! You can also apply pen to break body grips.

Nail file is being widely used as a women’s self-defense weapon. The defense tactics with a nail file are quite similar to those with a pen: quick stabs at an attacker’s face, eyes, neck, groin.

Umbrella – can be successfully used as a cane, striking the header and wave strokes to an assailant’s body. It allows to block enemy’s hits and edged weapon attacks. Umbrella with a handle of a bent (Ã-like) shape one may use as a tonfa.

Hair spray/ air freshener/ deodorant spray can also become self-defense weapon. Spray them in an assailant’s eyes; the aerosol’s components act as an irritants, cause short-timed enemy’s blindness and disorientation. There’re known some facts about another spray use possibility: spray aerosol on an attacker’s body or face and light by a cigarette lighter. Ordinary household spray turns into the small but harmful flame-thrower.

Computer cable with a massive plug-and-socket at the end one may use as a flexible chain-like weapon. This improvised weapon allows to keep self-defender at a distance from an attacker and strike intense blows.

It’s not hard to find a stone (or a brick/solid piece of asphalt) in the street and use it as a defensive weapon. Stones serve people as a weapons since prehistoric times and are being used by a modern street fighters as before. There’re two different ways of use of stone in a battle: use it as a missile weapon throwing at assailant and use it as impact weapon squeezed in your fist. The first way is actually not very efficient, but allows to keep defender at a distance from his enemy; the second is potentially more successive, but compels self-defender to come into close combat. Strike quick and powerful blows at an assailant’s head. If you want to win, your stone-fighting technique must be utterly cruel and brutal.

Glass bottle (for beer, whisky, vine, etc.) is known as popular street weapon. Bottle is usually used as baton striking opponent’s head. Often even one strong blow upon somebody’s head is quite enough to put him out of action. Then the bottle breaks, it transforms to a very dangerous and impressive weapon – the neck with a lot of very sharp and non-uniform ends.

Plastic bottle with water – can be used as a baton which usually doesn’t break.

The overall efficiency of this improvised weapon depends on its weight (the volume of water it contains). Plastic bottle with 3 and more pints of water is really powerful weapon. Moreover, it usually doesn’t leave a visible traces of strokes on its victims’ bodies. Due to this feature, some police officers use such batons for inflicting torture on suspect people.

Electric flashlight in solid metal casing (Mag Lite type) is versatile tool, being used not only for lighting, but for self-defense purposes. Many police officers and security guards use it as a metal baton. This tool is suitable for striking short and quick blows on an opponent’s head, shoulders and hands, short-distance header blows on a face, neck and groin, for blocking enemy’s attacks.

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